Many times we will get a request to try out or DEMO some of our radios at the community, before someone makes a purchase. When we ask “what is your plan to test the radios”, most of the time the answer, there is no plan. Most communities are unsure where to begin.
Getting an effective DEMO is important to determine which model best suits your needs and to make certain that there are no “dead zones” at your community.
We have outlined how to get the most effect DEMO and acquire the most useful information.
What you’ll need:
Surveyors- 2 members of your staff
Radios - 2 of each potential radio model
Map of your community/property - For the best/detailed survey possible
Notebook - Use for detailed annotations from map
Pens or Pencils (Minimum of 3 colors)- Use to mark coverage variations on map
(Red=No or Bad Coverage, Yellow=Static. Green=Good Coverage, etc)
What you’ll do:
You and another “Surveyor” will independently walk around the community and property while communicating with one another via the DEMO radios. Making sure to test the radios in as many locations as possible.
Utilize the equipment mentioned above to take detailed notes on the coverage throughout the community and the property. This information is crucial to assist in determining the correct radios and what equipment you may require.
How you’ll do it:
Begin testing the equipment by announcing on the radio your location in the community or on the property and take record of you and your partners location.
Note any areas with static or where you are unable to hear each other.
One at a time count to 10 while using the radio and slowly turn in a circle. This may seem silly, but it gives even more information as the person on the other radio can tell you if any of the numbers did not come through clearly on their radio. This shows you any potential issues you may have in that area.
Repeat this in as many locations in the community and on the property, making sure to document each test completed.
Be sure to test "end to end". (Meaning have one surveyor go the farthest they can one way, and the other surveyor go the farthest they can in the opposite direction.)
Recommended Areas to Test:
Residential Areas
Indoor and Outdoor Pathways
Garbage/Dumpster Area
Delivery/Unloading Dock
Boiler Rooms and Basement Areas
Property Lines
Parking Garages
Utilizing the information obtained, you will be able to determine the wattage of the radio needed as well as if any additional equipment, such as repeaters are necessary. You will also have the opportunity to try out the various models, hands on, to become familiar with the radios.
Once you have done your DEMO at your community, contact Sure-Response to discuss your DEMO findings and the next steps in getting the right radio and equipment you need for your community.